Apply for a Portable Ramp Loan

Please understand that RampUp! will make its best effort to match an available ramp to meet your need, but no guarantees are implied or made that RampUp! will have a ramp available to meet the specific slope/rise of your property.

If an appropriate portable aluminum ramp is currently out on loan, you can request to be placed on the waitlist.  Please note that all ramps must be picked up from, and returned to the loan site where they are available. 
RampUp! KY can also provide information on other resources, including acquiring plans for a DIY ramp-building kit. The ramp-building kit can be customized to meet a length specific to my needs. You can also see our Ramps and Home Modifications Resource guide for more resources.

Loan Application

All fields marked with * are required

    Personal Information

    Ramp Details

    Additional Information (optional)

    By submitting this application, you are agreeing to the Terms and Release of Liability.


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